ERASMUS VON ROTTERDAM - Éloge de la folie (La Capella Reial de Catalunya, Hespèrion XXI, Savall)

- Titel: ERASMUS VON ROTTERDAM - Éloge de la folie (La Capella Reial de Catalunya, Hespèrion XXI, Savall). Appenzeller, Benedictus, Komponist -- Bible - Old Testament, Dichter/Text -- Bruhier, Antoine, Komponist -- Cabezón, Antonio de, Komponist -- Cantemir, Dimitrie, Komponist -- Capella Reial de Catalunya, La, Chor -- Du Caurroy, Eustache, Komponist -- Dufay, Guillaume, Komponist -- Encina, Juan del, Komponist -- Erasmus, Desiderius, Autor -- Figueras, Montserrat, Sopran -- Flecha, Mateo, Komponist -- Hespèrion XXI, Ensemble -- Isaac, Heinrich, Komponist -- Josquin des Prez, , Komponist -- Lawrence-King, Andrew, Harfe -- Le Bailly, Henri, Komponist -- Mass Text, Dichter/Text -- Mauillon, Marc, Bariton -- Moaty, Louise, Sprecher -- Morales, Cristóbal de, Komponist -- Ockeghem, Johannes, Komponist -- Ortiz, Diego, Komponist -- Ruffo, Vincenzo, Komponist -- Savall, Jordi, Viola da gamba -- Sermisy, Claudin de, Komponist -- Solinís, Enrike, Barock-Gitarre -- Suleiman, Mehmed bin, Komponist -- Torre, Francisco de la, Komponist -- Tye, Christopher, Komponist -- Woodcock, Clement, Komponist -- Zosso, Rene, Sprecher
- Person(en): Appenzeller, Benedictus [Komposition] ; Bruhier, Antoine [Komposition] ; Cabezón, Antonio de [Komposition] ; Cantemir, Dimitrie [Komposition] ; Du Caurroy, Eustache [Komposition] ; Dufay, Guillaume [Komposition] ; Encina, Juan del [Komposition] ; Flecha, Mateo [Komposition] ; Isaac, Heinrich [Komposition] ; Josquin des Prez, [Komposition] ; Le Bailly, Henri [Komposition] ; Morales, Cristóbal de [Komposition] ; Ockeghem, Johannes [Komposition] ; Ortiz, Diego [Komposition] ; Ruffo, Vincenzo [Komposition] ; Sermisy, Claudin de [Komposition] ; Suleiman, Mehmed bin [Komposition] ; Torre, Francisco de la [Komposition] ; Tye, Christopher [Komposition] ; Woodcock, Clement [Komposition]
- Organisation(en): Capella Reial de Catalunya, La ; Hespèrion XXI
- Umfang: Online-Ressource
- Erschienen: Alia Vox, 2013
- Link(s): Verbindung zur Naxos Music Library
- Anmerkungen: Folias (Imperfectas) [887845900067] 00:01:44 -- In Praise of Folly (Stultitiae Laus) 00:02:14 -- Yo soy la locura (Ich bin der Wahnsinn) 00:02:10 -- In Praise of Folly (Stultitiae Laus): On How Folly Is Prompted to Sing her Own Praises (music by D. Ortiz: Passamezzo antico); Folly’s Origins (Anonymous: Untitled) 00:03:00 -- Ricercare Nr. 4 00:01:28 -- In Praise of Folly (Stultitiae Laus): Her Birthplace, Her Infancy (Anonymous: Folias de la costa); Her Followers (Anonymous: Folias de la costa) 00:02:59 -- La gamba in Basso e Sopran 00:01:56 -- In Praise of Folly (Stultitiae Laus) 00:00:52 -- Folia, "Rodrigo Martínez" [Mexico, 1490] 00:03:09 -- In Praise of Folly (Stultitiae Laus): On How She Perpetuates the Human Race (Anonymous: Folía, "Rodrigo Martinez" [Villancico, C.M. Palacio No. 12]); On How She is the Source of Happiness in Life (Anonymous: Folía, "Rodrigo Martinez" [Villancico C.M. Palacio No. 12]) 00:02:35 -- Si habrá en este baldrés 00:01:28 -- In Praise of Folly (Stultitiae Laus) 00:01:55 -- Diferencias sobre las vacas [C.M. Medinaceli] 00:01:56 -- In Praise of Folly (Stultitiae Laus): On How She Prolongs Infancy and Halts Old Age (Anonymous: Folías antiguas [C.M. Palacio No. 121]); Of Folly’s Pre-Eminence in the World (music by T. Hume: Harke, harke) 00:03:46 -- Browning My Dear 00:02:23 -- In Praise of Folly (Stultitiae Laus): Folly Is Necessary to Friendship (music by T. Arbeau: Belle qui tiens ma vie); There Is No Lasting Marriage Without the Complicity of Folly (music by T. Arbeau: Belle qui tiens ma vie) 00:02:21 -- Cucu, cucu, cucucu 00:00:55 -- In Praise of Folly (Stultitiae Laus) 00:01:40 -- La guerra 00:01:43 -- In Praise of Folly (Stultitiae Laus): She Inspires Warfare (music by C. Janequin: Pavana la battaglia); Of the Inferiority of Wisdom in all of Life’s Circumstances (Anonymous: Vederlo Improvisation); She Is the Mother of the Arts (Anonymous: My Lady Carey's Dompe - Danse Tune English Tradition) 00:06:50 -- Saltarello [Danze veneziane, 1500] 00:01:05 -- In Praise of Folly (Stultitiae Laus): She Claims the Credit for True Wisdom (Anonymous: Las vacas Improvisation); On Folly as a Guide Towards Wisdom (Music by A. de Cabezón: Pavana con su glosa); Of the Relationship Between Folly and Ignorance (Anonymous: Desperada [Elizabethan]) 00:07:57 -- La spagna [15th century] [887845900067] 00:01:37 -- In Praise of Folly (Stultitiae Laus): Folly of Kings (Anonymous: Las vacas: Romanesca); Folly of Bishops, Cardinals and Supreme Pontiffs (Anonymous: Estas noches a tan largas [Instrumental, C.M. Calabria No. 26]); Relationship Between the Christian Religion and Folly (music by J. Cornago: Patres nostri peccaverunt); Folly is the Sovereign Good (Anonymous: Dios te salve, Cruz preciosa [Instrumental, C.M. Palacio No. 434]) 00:14:24 -- Obras de Musica: Diferencias sobre las Vacas 00:02:34 -- In Praise of Folly (Stultitiae Laus) 00:01:27 -- Oy comamos y bebamos 00:02:28 -- Makam, "Muhayyer pesrev" (Ottoman War March) [15th century] 00:03:28 -- In Praise of Folly (Stultitiae Laus) 00:01:41 -- Missa "Une musque de Biscaye" 00:02:57 -- A Florence [MS Montecassino 871, sec. XV, 15th century, Naples] 00:02:00 -- In Praise of Folly (Stultitiae Laus) 00:01:43 -- Audi, benigne Conditor (from C.M. Montecassino No. 40, 15th century) 00:03:47 -- Taksim and Dance [Ottoman] 00:02:56 -- In Praise of Folly (Stultitiae Laus) 00:01:52 -- Lavava y suspirava [Sephardische Romanzen aus der Zeit vor der Vertreibung der Juden aus Spanien, 1492] 00:05:24 -- Malheur me bat 00:04:21 -- Benedic anima mea 00:03:11 -- In Praise of Folly (Stultitiae Laus) 00:02:04 -- La deploration sur la mort de Jehan Ockeghem 00:03:54 -- La turatu et nennin dea (from Harmonices Musices Odhecaton A, No. 94) 00:02:22 -- In Praise of Folly (Stultitiae Laus) 00:01:33 -- Basse danse Helas Madame 00:02:28 -- In Praise of Folly (Stultitiae Laus) 00:02:35 -- In te Domine speravi per trovar pieta 00:03:51 -- In Praise of Folly (Stultitiae Laus) 00:01:44 -- Puzzle - Canon II [Henry VIII's MS] 00:01:39 -- Scaramella va alla guerra 00:01:56 -- In Praise of Folly (Stultitiae Laus) 00:07:21 -- Danza alta, sobre "la Spagna" 00:02:03 -- In Praise of Folly (Stultitiae Laus) 00:02:23 -- Home Again, Market is Done 00:01:54 -- La Paduana del Re 00:02:59 -- In Praise of Folly (Stultitiae Laus) 00:02:01 -- La Spagna a 5 00:03:07 -- In Praise of Folly (Stultitiae Laus) 00:02:13 -- Taksim and Makam (Rast murass'a) 00:07:19 -- In Praise of Folly (Stultitiae Laus) 00:02:09 -- Adoramus te, Domine [MS Montecassino 871, sec. XV, 15th century, Naples] 00:01:20 -- In Praise of Folly (Stultitiae Laus) 00:02:41 -- Ya es tiempo de recoger (Balad) [887845900067] 00:04:38 -- In Praise of Folly (Stultitiae Laus) 00:01:50 -- Benedictus 00:02:28 -- In Praise of Folly (Stultitiae Laus) 00:02:23 -- Fantaisie XXV on Le Seigneur des qu’on nous offense 00:01:46 -- In Praise of Folly (Stultitiae Laus): Letter from Martin Luther to Erasmus (15 April 1524) (music by: H.L. Hassler: Psalm: Christ ist Erstanden); Erasmus of Rotterdam to Luther - On Free Will (1524) (music by C. Tye: In Nomine a 5 Free from All) 00:04:36 -- Pavane, "La bataille" [Music de Joie, Lyon, ca. 1540] 00:02:05 -- In Praise of Folly (Stultitiae Laus) 00:01:45 -- Gazel 00:03:57 -- Tu Pauperum Refugium 00:03:06 -- In Praise of Folly (Stultitiae Laus) 00:02:11 -- Christ ist Erstanden à 6 00:03:18 -- In Praise of Folly (Stultitiae Laus) 00:03:42 -- In Nomine, "My deathe bedde" 00:02:25 -- Missa pro defunctis 00:01:38 -- In Praise of Folly (Stultitiae Laus) 00:01:32 -- Plangite pierides 00:03:52 -- In Praise of Folly (Stultitiae Laus) 00:03:01 --
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