Parnasse (Le), ou L'Apotheose de Corelli / Pieces de clavecin - DANDRIEU, J.-F. / COUPERIN, A.L. (Cigana, Antonini, B. Martin, Baumont)

- Titel: Parnasse (Le), ou L'Apotheose de Corelli / Pieces de clavecin - DANDRIEU, J.-F. / COUPERIN, A.L. (Cigana, Antonini, B. Martin, Baumont) / COUPERIN, F.. Antonini, Claire, Laute -- Baumont, Olivier, Cembalo -- Cigana, Julien, Erzähler -- Couperin, Armand-Louis, Komponist -- Couperin, François, Komponist -- Dandrieu, Jean-Francois, Komponist -- Martin, Beatrice, Cembalo
- Person(en): Couperin, Armand-Louis [Komposition] ; Couperin, François [Komposition] ; Dandrieu, Jean-Francois [Komposition]
- Umfang: Online-Ressource
- Erschienen: NoMadMusic, 2018
- Link(s): Verbindung zur Naxos Music Library
- Anmerkungen: Le Parnasse, ou L'Apotheose de Corelli: I. Corelli at the foot of Mount Parnassus asks the Muses to welcome him amongst them.; II. Corelli, enchanted by his favourable reception at Mount Parnassus, expresses his joy. He proceeds with his followers.; III. Corelli drinks at the well of Hypocrene. His followers proceed.; IV. Corelli's exaltation at drinking at the waters of Hypocrene.; V. After his exaltation, Corelli now falls asleep; his followers attend with some very quiet music.; ... 00:14:26 -- L'Apothéose de Lulli: IX. Lully's thanks to Apollo.; VIII. The welcome (both kind and guarded) given to Lully by Corelli and the Italian Muses.; VII. Lully is elevated to Parnassus.; VI. Lamentations of the same for flutes or very muted violins.; V. Subterranean rumblings caused by Lully's contemporaries.; ... 00:23:09 -- La paix du parnasse: IV. Vivement; III. Rondement; II. Saillie vivement; I. Gravement 00:08:01 -- Pieces de clavecin Buch 2: Suite Nr. 1: I. La lully - Ouverture; II. La corelli 00:05:26 -- Pieces de clavecin x 00:05:11 -- Les Quatre Nations 00:03:08 --
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