Crucible (The) [Opera]


Ward, Robert

  • Titel: Crucible (The) [Opera] / WARD, R.. Alberts, Eunice, Mezzosopran -- Bible, Frances, Mezzosopran -- Brooks, Patricia, Sopran -- Buckley, Emerson -- Ceniceros, Lorna, Sopran -- DeLon, Jack, Tenor -- Ebert, Joyce, Mezzosopran -- Evans, Beverly, Sopran -- Farr, Naomi, Sopran -- Foster, Nancy, Sopran -- Guile, Helen, Kontraalt -- Kelley, Norman, Tenor -- Kova, Marija, Sopran -- Krause, Richard, Tenor -- Ludgin, Chester, Tenor -- Macurdy, John, Bass -- Malas, Spiro, Bass -- New York Opera Orchestra, Orchester -- Schwering, Elizabeth, Kontraalt -- Stambler, Bernard, Dichter/Text -- Stern, Maurice, Tenor -- Ukena, Paul, Bariton -- Ward, Robert, Komponist -- Wynder, Gloria, Kontraalt
  • Person(en): Ward, Robert ; Ward, Robert [Komposition]
  • Organisation(en): New York Opera Orchestra
  • Umfang: Online-Ressource
  • Erschienen: Albany, 1989
  • Anmerkungen: The Crucible: Act I: Beginning: My Betty be hearty soon? (Tituba, Parris, Abigail, Ann, Thomas, Rebecca, Giles); Act I: Gently, sirs, gently. (Rebecca, Thomas, John, Giles, Francis, Parris, Putnams); Act I: Jesus my consolation, Thee do I worship. (Abigail, Parris, Thomas, Ann, Francis, Rebecca, Hale); Act I: For much in the world seems Devil's work (Hale, Parris, Ann, Rebecca, Tituba, Abigail, Francis, Thomas); Act I: Oh, how many times, Mr. Parris, the Devil bid me kill you! (Tituba, Ann, Hale); ... / Ward, Robert 01:49:25 --