Eleven Ghosts


  • Titel: Eleven Ghosts / MELFORD, Myra / BENNINK, Han. Bennink, Han, Schlagzeug -- Carr, Leroy, Komponist -- Joplin, Scott, Komponist -- Melford, Myra, Komponist
  • Person(en): Carr, Leroy [Komposition] ; Joplin, Scott [Komposition] ; Melford, Myra [Komposition]
  • Umfang: Online-Ressource
  • Erschienen: Hat Hut Records, 1998
  • Anmerkungen: The First Mess / Melford, Myra 00:02:33 -- How Long Blues / Melford, Myra 00:05:31 -- Frank Goes To / Melford, Myra 00:07:23 -- Another Mess / Melford, Myra 00:04:48 -- Which Way Is That? / Melford, Myra 00:09:24 -- 3 Ghosts / Melford, Myra 00:05:11 -- Some Relief / Melford, Myra 00:01:12 -- And Now Some Blues / Melford, Myra 00:04:43 -- Now / Melford, Myra 00:02:05 -- And Now / Melford, Myra 00:02:51 -- The Maple Leaf Rag / Melford, Myra 00:03:01 --